Krabbel Krappie Blog – An Introduction

For me art is the means to see the light in the darkness, to find beauty in the unexpected, and to make dreams reality, to keep on seeking the image hidden by everyday troubles.

You see??! Do you see the ordinary becoming extraordinary, can you find inspiration for making and being creative?

Come along with me on a creative journey of discovery. I find inspiration everywhere. My biggest problem: using it before the next idea comes by; although some is abandoned beforehand to live on in my dreams alone while others, being in constant flux, change until they are “abandoned” just like Picasso said “Paintings are never finished but merely abandoned” as a finished artwork.

Why doodling is essential for all creative beings…even sea snails doodle in the sand  (Ha-ha)

2015 Reebok-020

Doodling helps us to form connections that we would otherwise never have recognized. It helps create bridges and form paths in our brain, a mental road-map of sorts that leads to creative solutions. This is the reason why we remember information better if we were busy doodling while listening and why many study methods encourages students to draw while learning a new skill. Luckily, you do not need much to doodle…just look at those sea snails doodling around until they make up their minds on where to go. So pick up a pen, or whatever mark making tool you can lay your hands on, and start doodling.

The next hick-up many people, myself included, have is where to start? Anywhere – just make a mark and continue from there, you could use letters, objects you see around you, something that makes you happy of the thing that you just cannot figure out what it represents. Renaissance artist, Leonardo da Vinci, is said to have searched for images in clouds, cracks in the pavement etc. When last did you look at the clouds and went “I see a … elephant … a dolphin … Mrs Scrooges with her dog …etc. Look! Look again and draw – even if it is only in the air – if the Rock and Roll fans can play air guitar then the creative artists can air draw J Remember drawing is fun and true freedom if we choose to be free to create!

Examples of doodles by my students and me that I trust you will find inspiring:

A few quick watercolor studies 2015 Accidental ink drawing 01 African animal doodle 01 African animal doodle 02 African animal doodle 03 Drawing of shell 02

Happy doodling!

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