Classes – ages and length

4 – 6 year olds:

  • 45 min / week:    for little ones starting on their creative journey. The class is fun and introduce kids to various art materials and ways to self explore with creativity in a safe environment. This class is more focused on exploring and art making process than on the final art work as a result. Kids learn to express themselves through art making.

Very small group. Max 4 kids per class.

Primary school learners:

  • 1 hour class / week:    for kids just starting with art. Short fun introduction to different art mediums and basic techniques. Lots of freedom to self-explore with art mediums.
  • 2 hour class / week:    for kids with a basic understanding of art wanting to further develop their skills and creativity. Learning more about different artist, art history and art mediums as well as techniques. Art projects are given to help practice the new skill while still having the space to explore creative self-expression.

TinkerCad Class:

  • 1 hour / week:  Individual class for student that wants to learn how to do technical drawing on computer using TinkerCad. The student will also learn how to draw it manually by hand and practical applications for this skill.

Photoshop Class:

  • 1 hour / week: For student that wants to learn digital art / design using Photoshop primarily but also other software. This class assumes that the student have a good foundation on art/design principles and practice.

High school learners:

  • 2 hour / week: For learners that either want to take art as aschool subject or for self development of their art.  Learning different materials, mediums and genres as well as art theory and history while making their own art works. Learners have time to explore new techniques or mediums in their visual art diaries and develop those into a final artwork. Once a year be part of an exhibition of their years work. Learn to talk about art and their artworks to other people.

Adult classes:

  • 2 hours / week:  For any person interested in learning new skills, techniques and mediums to better express themselves creatively.

Classes is individual or in small groups depending on the needs of the student. Every class start of with a short warm-up / demo / introduction to artist or method before we continue with a self determined project with the help of the teacher. The teacher will not draw or paint something on your work but will explain / illustrate on a separate piece of canvas / paper etc thus ensuring that each students work is completely their own. Please note that the class does not encourage everybody to make the same picture except when we are learning a specific technique or skill from a specific famous artist. Students are encourage to explore different mediums and genres in order to develop their own style.

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